sara abou hamdan

“A mother’s love is the fuel that enables a normal human being to do the impossible.”

– Marion C. Garretty

We can begin the journey by simply being willing to search our heart and better understand ourselves.
You and I are deeply affected by our relationship with our mother and one of the most powerful gifts we can give to our children is our own emotional health.

Mother’s love is unconditional, perpetual, absolute and profound.
Every day our ward is filled with little bodies waiting for healing, and every day I see mothers serving their children with all of their hearts.

Women , especially mothers, are the most influential educators. They bequeath to us timeless wisdom, a legacy so precious and valuable. « Mothers have often shaped our world from the cradle, by rocking, nurturing and instructing children to grow up to make life changing and history- making accomplishments »

For every preacher, president, volunteer, worker, employee, fashionista, technician, community worker, doctor, caregiver among others, there is a mother behind them who fostered her child to reach his/her full potential.

“She is the “sun” because her self-sacrificing generosity is ever operative in diffusing love. Her affectionate and provident attentions are consistently and delicately attuned to bring cheer to her husband and children. In this way, she diffuses light and warmth about herself.

Finally, nothing can stop a mother from showing her heart out for her child, not the religion, not the color and not even the gender!
No matter what you may be doing, it is quite important that you plan something very beautiful, something that could take away the breathe of your sweetheart mother.

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